The 1Kb DNA Ladder consists of 13 liner dsDNA bands
of 250bp,500bp,750bp,1K,1.5K,2K,2.5K,3K,4K,5K,6K,
8K and 10K bp ThisLadder is specially prepared for
visualizing of DNA fragments on the gel. The intensity
of 1K and 3Kb bands have been increase to yield reference
indicator.Electrophoresis of 3 ~ 5ul of 1Kb DNA Ladder
result in bands( 250 ~ 10Kb ) containing 30,30,30,90,30,
30,30,80,30,30,33,33 and 30ng of DNA.
- 235 新北市中和區橋和路85號3樓
- 3F., No. 85, Qiaohe Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- TEL: 886-2-8226-6598
- FAX: 886-2-8226-6586
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